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2012 Unplugging (oh, yikes)

2012 made of Christmas lights at the Caribbean beach


Is it just me or did 2011 just zip by?   I’m kinda of feeling like I missed something!  What do you think 2012 will bring to you?  It really is YOUR choice, you know.  It isn’t that we are magicians who can pull miracles out of a hat but we can bring about changes.

We live self-fulfilling prophecies all the time through the words of our mouth.  Words like, ‘I always get sick this time of year” or “I am never going to get ahead in my life.”  “Money sure goes!  There will never be enough to pay all my bills.”   How about, “My kids are driving me crazy; they’re never going to do right” and “You’ll always be this way.”

Worse are the “too’s”,  “I am never going to accomplish anything with my life because it’s too or I’m too  (fill in the blank).   Suggestions?  It’s too late.  I’m too old.  I”m too young.  I’m too broke.  It’s too hard.  Even worse?  I CAN’T.  And you would be absolutely 100% right.

I think that every year, no matter how many times we’ve been proven wrong, we actually dream of and believe that we just might be able to do better this time, this new year.  We harbor private hopes that things can change.  We want to believe that resolutions work or that this time, we will keep them.

We dream of a fresh start.

Word hope cropped

Well GOOD NEWS!  I’m here to tell you that it is NEVER, never, never, ever too late.  NEVER.  Each and every one of us can make changes to make our lives better.  Even the most negative of Grinch-y people can change.  No one is exempt.  Change is possible for every. single. person.  Amen.

Of course if you SAY, “I don’t believe that.  Forget it.  It won’t happen for me” – you are absolutely right here, too.  It won’t.  Believe it or not, being positive draws good things to you.  Being negative draws negative things to you.

dream clouds

Dare to believe – to have hope and keep the flame of it burning bright.  Never give up on yourself.   Never stop dreaming BIG.  If you make up your mind that you WILL make changes and you WILL enjoy your best year ever, you WILL.  You will find little things in your life that can lead to big changes.  You will find yourself looking for the positive, looking forward, and changing your own attitude and, dare I say?  Destiny.

We really do live lives full of self-fulfilling prophecies, bad or good.  And these are the ONLY lives we get here on earth.  You’d think we’d take better care of ourselves!  Quit following others and their way of doing things.  Don’t listen to those who nay-say you or your deam.  Keep away from toxic relationships!  Make choices just for yourself.  Your life is exactly what you make of it.


On that note, I am going offline for the next month.  30 big ones.  Thirty days. Thurty long daze.  It’s all the fault of Christie Glascoe Crowder who posted an article over at Type-A Parent:

She posted the article after she went “off the grid” for a month and is creating an e-book of her experiences in a few weeks (January sometime).  I can’t wait to read it.

Similar to her points, my thought process is to establish, for that month the following:

No blogging (posting or reading) – I tremble as you read
No engaging in social sites (Twitter) – Ditto
No surfing the web (including shopping) – full blown panic attack

All my writing, note-taking, and ideas will be done by hand with pen in my paper notebooks (thank goodness that I have a huge pile of both).

I unsubscribed from all my digital newsletters, RSS feeds, and blogs.  I will return to the blogs (had to write down their web addresses) but I don’t need the temptation popping up every time I check my bank account or pay a bill!

live life


As Christie pointed out,  this time period is a “full system overhaul, starting from within.”

I have a support system in my friend Steph from over at Momma’s Soapbox.  We both began working on our Aloha lives in 2010, (her link for Aloha) (mine is HERE)  and want to build on that this coming year in more specific and powerful ways.

So do I think this is going to be a breeze?  Oh ha.  Heck no.  I have the queasy’s inside.  I actually am very nervous about unplugging myself.  But I have to do this, for me.

I have to plug back into my life and my “self”.

And isn’t that a wonderful way to begin a New Year?  It’s all right!  Have a good time, cause it’s all right, oh, it’s all right!!

Miss me a little bit, OK??

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

~ Frank Outlaw

30 thoughts on “2012 Unplugging (oh, yikes)

  1. Actually, I am going to miss you… I would join in your endeavor but I find myself disconnecting periodically simply because I can’t find a connection… which is why it has taken me so long to thank you for your Christmas gift… thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-*

  2. Actually, I am going to miss you… I would join in your endeavor but I find myself disconnecting periodically simply because I can’t find a connection… which is why it has taken me so long to thank you for your Christmas gift… thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-*

  3. I’m gonna miss you awful, but I completely understand where you are coming from, my dearest Nan. And? I love the way you think. I am so fortunate to have found you as a blog friend. Go and enjoy your month off. But please get back here when it’s over OR I will hunt you down.

    MUCH love,

  4. I’m gonna miss you awful, but I completely understand where you are coming from, my dearest Nan. And? I love the way you think. I am so fortunate to have found you as a blog friend. Go and enjoy your month off. But please get back here when it’s over OR I will hunt you down.

    MUCH love,

  5. Hi Nan,

    I think it’s great! I’ve taken blog breaks and I’m in the midst of a bit of a forced one right now (Somehow my blogs were “removed” and blogger says they “believe it’s a mistake” um.. Yeah it is.)

    Hopefully all will be back to normal by the time you get back. I wish you the very best on your journey and I’m actually thrilled for you. I really think this is going to turn out to be an amazing experience!

    See you on the flip-side!
    Mary (Mrs B)

  6. Hi Nan,

    I think it’s great! I’ve taken blog breaks and I’m in the midst of a bit of a forced one right now (Somehow my blogs were “removed” and blogger says they “believe it’s a mistake” um.. Yeah it is.)

    Hopefully all will be back to normal by the time you get back. I wish you the very best on your journey and I’m actually thrilled for you. I really think this is going to turn out to be an amazing experience!

    See you on the flip-side!
    Mary (Mrs B)

  7. Oh wow. What am I going to do with my morning coffee? You need to know that I am going to miss you very much. Hurry back and tell us all about your changes and what you learned. You always inspire me, always.

  8. Oh wow. What am I going to do with my morning coffee? You need to know that I am going to miss you very much. Hurry back and tell us all about your changes and what you learned. You always inspire me, always.

  9. —Nan,
    You. Are. A. Strong. Woman.
    I am proud of you for getting off “The Social Networking” stuffff for an entire month. WOWWWWW. That is utterly Freeing & Liberating.
    The only time I did this was when I went to England…. 2 Whole Weeks. It was quite nice, actually. But…
    I shall miss you, sweeeet Nan. xx

  10. —Nan,
    You. Are. A. Strong. Woman.
    I am proud of you for getting off “The Social Networking” stuffff for an entire month. WOWWWWW. That is utterly Freeing & Liberating.
    The only time I did this was when I went to England…. 2 Whole Weeks. It was quite nice, actually. But…
    I shall miss you, sweeeet Nan. xx

  11. I too am a strong believer in the “you are what you think” philosophy. I will look forward to reading how the offline journey works. Bravo for your bravery and good luck!

  12. I too am a strong believer in the “you are what you think” philosophy. I will look forward to reading how the offline journey works. Bravo for your bravery and good luck!

  13. Happy New Year!! My friend …

    I completely agree your thoughts and words are very strong factors in the outcome of everyday life.

    I can’t wait to read your discovery after unplugging for 30 days. Wishing you wonderful adventures and time with your loved ones and especially YOU time… .. you are giving something to think about.

    Many blessings to you!xo HHL

  14. Happy New Year!! My friend …

    I completely agree your thoughts and words are very strong factors in the outcome of everyday life.

    I can’t wait to read your discovery after unplugging for 30 days. Wishing you wonderful adventures and time with your loved ones and especially YOU time… .. you are giving something to think about.

    Many blessings to you!xo HHL

  15. I’ll miss you! But, I know how important it is to pull back and take time for you. I pray all your needs are met during this month.

  16. I’ll miss you! But, I know how important it is to pull back and take time for you. I pray all your needs are met during this month.

  17. I’m not worried about you, cause you’ll come back all refreshed and ready to tackle the world. I’m worried about US. Your readers. Where will we get our dose of inspiration while you’re gone?

    I’m just joshin ya. We’ll survive (barely).

    Love ya

    Cya when you get back.

    I just hope you aren’t setting us up. You know, like the parents that move without telling the kids…..LOL

  18. I’m not worried about you, cause you’ll come back all refreshed and ready to tackle the world. I’m worried about US. Your readers. Where will we get our dose of inspiration while you’re gone?

    I’m just joshin ya. We’ll survive (barely).

    Love ya

    Cya when you get back.

    I just hope you aren’t setting us up. You know, like the parents that move without telling the kids…..LOL

  19. I think this is a really bad idea! Especially the shopping. What are you thinking???

    Just Kidding. I hope you survive! 🙂 I’ll be waiting to hear the results.

  20. I think this is a really bad idea! Especially the shopping. What are you thinking???

    Just Kidding. I hope you survive! 🙂 I’ll be waiting to hear the results.

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