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Feeling groovy… NOT

Well, I found a way to lose 3 pounds quickly!

I wouldn’t recommend it!  Somewhere during the past couple of days, I started feeling urpy and the thought of eating anything was just plain impossible.  Food just was not my friend.

I got on the scale this morning and had lost 3 more pounds – yippie.  Now the trick is to keep them off when I start feeling better!  More water!  More veggies!  More fruit!!

It was a good news bad news thing.  The bad news – I feel awful.  The good news?  At least I was losing weight while I was feeling awful!  But I wouldn’t recommend it, really

I firmly believe you should take advantage of everything!  So I lost 3 pounds because I wasn’t able to eat much – IT COUNTS.  Especially if I focus on keeping it off by making right choices when my appetite comes back.  What have you done today to lose one pound?? – new recipe posted!

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