02 Luv Posts, All Blogs, Romance

From Here to the Moon and Back

There are times I am totally beyond amazed at the love Alpha Hubby has for me.  Sometimes it defies description although I try.  Is he a saint?  Nah, he is most definitely corporally present.  Thank goodness.

It isn’t that we don’t have some days where we become tired and a bit tiffed or even – *horrors* – have a raised voice or two.  I will say that he has probably only raised his voice in frustration um… let me see.  Once in 18 years.  Wow.  He far surpasses me in this area.

He’s also never thrown anything.  Me?  Errrr, do I have to say?  I can say this in all honesty:  I only lost ONE favorite coffee mug. That has to count for something, right?

Until you factor in boiled eggs, water, a bread roll or two. And *ahem* maybe (but I ain’t talking) other foodstuff. That’s about it, tho.  Unless he remembers something I’m forgetting which, because he is so amazing, he will not remind me of.  Right, babe?  Right??  Again he surpasses me.

While I am the writer, he used to write very wonderful stories.  He wrote just for me.  He expressed his love in ways that took my breath away and made me very suspicious at the same time.  Suspicious as in, “What’s wrong with this guy?  When is the other shoe going to drop?  Where’s the axe?”

Yeah, yeah, I had issues.  I didn’t trust anyone who could love me.  I’m better now.  But he is very good at expressing himself and his love to me in writing and mushy cards.  Better than me AGAIN.  Does this ever stop?

I know!  He can’t sing.  Oh, he will croon to me and I love it, very much. I sing love songs to him.  He says he loves listening to my voice.  The latest I am going to learn to sing is coming up below (link to you tube or video below).

But even though I can sing his socks off (and various and other sundry articles of clothing), he tends to top me with things like what he did this Saturday evening. (Click on right arrow to hear the song; if you have trouble, view on You Tube HERE (link to You Tube opens in separate window)

We were watching the movie “Joyful Noise” with Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah.  There is a song in the movie Dolly Parton sings (partially along with Kris Kristofferson and Jeremy Jordan).  It’s one of those huge-lump-in-the-throat songs.

During the romantic moonlit night dance scene between Dolly Parton and Kris Kristofferson, Alpha Hubby suddenly said, “That’s you.”

I asked, “What is?”

“That song,” he said, “it’s you; how I feel about you.  From here to the moon and back.”

Drat.  Another area he’s better in than I am.  Oh, who am I kidding?  It melted my socks off (and various and other sundry articles of clothing).  It came spontaneously from out his heart straight to mine.  ZING!

He might be a saint after all.


I could hold out my arms, say “I love you this much”
I could tell you how long I will long for your touch
How much and how far would I go to prove
The depth and the breadth of my love for you?

From here to the moon and back
Who else in this world will love you like that?
Love everlasting, I promise you that
From here to the moon and back
From here to the moon and back

I want you to know you can always depend
On promises made and love without end
No need to wonder how faithful I’ll be
Now and on into eternity

From here to the moon and back
Who else in this world will love you like that?
Forever and always, I’ll be where you’re at
From here to the moon and back
From here to the moon and back

I would blow you a kiss from the star where I sat
I would call out your name to echo through the vast
Thank heaven for you and to God tip my hat
From here to the moon and back

And I’ll spend forever just proving that fact
From here to the moon and back

16 thoughts on “From Here to the Moon and Back

  1. That’s just lovely. I’m talking about the part where he actually sat and watched a Queen Latifah movie with you. The other part? About paying attention to the words of a love song? Blows my mind.

    All I have to say is keep doing what you’ve been doing.

  2. Oh goshness Nan! This melted my heart too! You two lovebirds are just wonderful. And you make my day. I may have to sing! Good thing no one’s home but me.

    1. Miss T! Long time no see. Thanks for the love – I am learning this song and loving it!

  3. We’re just the opposite. I’m the mushy one. Over the years, he has learned how to pick out a good two hanky card, though. We both have a wee bit of a temper and have each thrown something, BUT only once. I threw a pot of soup and totally missed him. What made that the last time? I had to clean it up. He threw a hammer (not at me) and that pretty much backfired, too. Bounced off the carpet and put a lovely hole in the bedroom wall… of our newly built, just moved into, house. He was so upset with himself, it took the focus off of me. I think it might have even been the same fi… erm, night. So, yup~ I’d say that we fight pretty passionately, but fortunately the same can be said for the making up. ;~) Do I love him to the moon and back? Yessiree bub! Thanks for the song, Nan dear. I’m definitely gonna have to watch that movie. XOXO

    1. I laughed at the pot of soup you had to clean up – yep, been there done that and will never do it again! Love your stories!!

  4. Boy howdy? Yee Haw baby, your cowboy is coming out.

    Just as long as those depths are not depths of despair. All I ever wanted was to love and be love back. You give me that more than I ever dreamed possible. To be passionate? It’s because I trust you with my life.

  5. All I ever wanted was to be loved. You have completely surpassed my wants, above and beyond all I could ask or even dream. You have taken me to depths I never knew were possible.

    You are also the best food fighter I have ever seen. Hit me running for my life at twenty feet with hard boiled eggs. I have truly been egged by you. You don’t realize that is part of you that excites me because you are a very passoinate woman. Boy howdy!

    1. Then my work here is done.

      Hey ya’ll – check out Pamela’s new PUBLISHED books. Go to her site (click on her name) for info – it’s awesome to celebrate with her!!!!

  6. What a wonderful romantic song and gesture. Your Alpha gets my vote as the most romantic man ever. If it came from his heart spontaneously that means it is already inside him so it can come out. Big huge sigh.

  7. —Nan,
    everytime I read your blog, I go give Mr. Liverpool a big, hard juicy KISS.

    Love you. And I dig Alpha Man.


    btw, I am still wearing all of my perfume! I smell gooooood.

  8. OMG Nan. This song! This song! I’m sitting here with tears streaming down my face. How do you keep doing that to me? This is such a romantic story. You start out jokingly and cutting up and hit us with complete romance tugging at our hearts. Do you have any idea how lucky you are?

    1. I know, I know. Dolly Parton wrote that song for her husband. She said: “I needed to write a beautiful love song. I picked my husband, who I love, and I thought, ‘Well, I’ll write some beautiful song about him.'” THAT’S mushy. Oh and yeah, I know.

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