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My Hero, Redux

(A re-do of a previous post to fill in while I’m away from my computer)

I can be your hero baby
I can kiss away the pain
I will stand by you forever
You can take my breath away (Hero, Enrique Iglesias, 2001)

In a world full of males (as opposed to being a man), wimps, blowhards, cheaters, playa’s, clowns, beaters, wussies, weenies, whiners, slackers, couch potatoes, abusers, drinkers, and any other adjective applied to males out there – in a world full of these whatevers, there are very few real men.

A real man protects, supports, believes in, loves unconditionally, romances, will stand by you forever, does not cheat no matter the provocation – and trust me on this – if you have a good man, some skank will want to come along and *try* to steal him.  Ask my how I know.  

Alpha Hubby is the total essence of what a real man is.  A “real man” is a strange and rare phenomenon that few women have actually experienced. I’m sure all of us have experienced males in one form or another from a chauvinistic boss to a slimey cheating lying boozin’ rodeo ridin’ loose hipped self-named Mr. Wonderful icky ex.

Here is a truth.  Real men need to know they are your hero – that knight in shining armor who can ride in and rescue, fix and otherwise make life better for his woman.  He knows she can take care of herself but he wants to give to her.  Alpha Hubby taught me this.  He is always saying, “Love is an Action Verb.  You can say you love but if you don’t act like it, if you don’t give to the other person, it isn’t real love.  It’s selfish.”

A man knows when his woman doesn’t think he is a hero.  Pretty much everyone around them knows she doesn’t think he’s a hero, either.  It is in a woman’s power to build a man up and in her power to knock him down – to be his cheerleader or his worst nightmare.  

Most women have no idea how much power they have over a man who loves her.  Others abuse that power.  He doesn’t always want you to know you can have this power over him, but you can.

For women, most of the time we look for words to express love.  Also flowers, gifts, chocolate, cards, or romantic gestures that only we know what they are because we don’t tell them because they should “just know”. 

For men, giving to his woman is an expression of love we don’t always recognize – going to work, handing over his paycheck, coming home to us every night, fixing things, building things, eating your cooking (ho).   Most are easily trained (smile) in that IF we tell them what means love to us, they will bend over backward to give us that.

Being your hero is a precious and valuable gift.  A woman can cut that off in an instant with a careless and thoughtless word, a rolled eye, or a attitude.  If he gives to you and you disrespect what he’s given, he will shut down and you will have lost something that will be very hard to get back.

Baybay?  You are my hero.  Thank you for giving and trusting me your heart.

I will dance with you.  I’ll go wherever you take us.  I would cry if I saw you crying.  I do tremble when you touch my lips.  I would die for you if necessary, and if I take your breath away, I’ll share mine with you – and I swear I will always be yours.

Thank you for helping me along this journey – for believing in me.  You prove patience really is a virtue.  You make it all worthwhile.  And I absolutely love every remodel, every addition, every flower and vegetable bed you’ve ever created for me.  Every. Little. Thing.  Everything that you’ve ever done for me.   NO ONE has ever given to or done for me any of the things you have done.  And I know it.  And I LOVE IT. 

My new closet??  IT’S SO FLUFFY (nod to Despicable Me)!!!

Whole lyrics to Hero HERE

19 thoughts on “My Hero, Redux

  1. *sigh*
    Every time I read your blog I want to just love up my husband! He truly is my hero. He showed me I was worth so much more than I gave myself credit and now? I am so much more the person I always wanted to be. And it’s because he is always there, always gives me what I need and sometimes puts me in my place so I am pushed to be better.
    I recently had a talk with my cousin who is getting engaged. He kept asking me, what if in 15 years he isn’t attracted to her, what if he if “forced” to have an affair. I told him I wanted to punch him. And once i got his attention I told him that if he wants to think that way he shouldn’t get married! ANyway, he’s still not yet a man.

  2. It is way too long since I visited and it is so wonderful to see that nothing has changed – i.e: that you two are as solid as ever 🙂

    C x

  3. I loved this post then and now. You always make me reflect on whether I am good enough to Eric, appreciate him enough. Because I have a real man, and he shows he loves me in everything he does. We are the lucky ones, aren’t we?

    1. I know Eric would say the same thing you did. That is what makes you a gaggy couple!

  4. Nan, as I read your post I realized there have been many times when the Significant Other has tried to carry out his hero role and I’ve prevented him from doing so. It could have been by a forceful and adamant, “I don’t need you to do this for me, I’m perfectly capable of doing it myself,” or a “I don’t need you to rescue me. I’m a woman, after all.” Yes, I’m afraid my feminist tendencies have torn the poor man down on more than one occasion. Nevertheless, your post serves to remind us that when men do these things, it’s their way of showing us love. Thank you for the wake up call! I will definitely try to “lighten up,” lady! 🙂

    1. Been there, done that, have the scars to prove it! Alpha Hubby and I learned together how to balance my need for independence and his need to dominate! We found a place just for us and it works for us.

  5. To give you my most precious possession (my heart) is an easy task. In my mind there is not a greater acomplishment in life but to be your hero and it is a gift. A gift that continually gives unlike diamonds and rubies or anything money could by. To be your hero is the greatest gift. I know you can do all things for yourself and that is good but the quality you possess that is so great is your ability to receive a gift. If you didn’t receive the gift of hero then my most precious gift is taken away and anything else would be so much less in comparsion. If you took the lesser (diamonds or gold) then you would show yourself to be selfish (materialistic). But if you recieive the most precious then there is no limit to the material. To the moon and back BayBay.

    1. Now you know why I love you – your heart is so huge, giving, and perfect for me. God made you just for me and I am eternally grateful.

  6. -OOo, Nan,
    that song really really gets to me. Oooo, I feel the words deep inside my bones.
    Yes. I could say Mr.Liverpool is my Hero. So is my Daddy. I’m around some awesome men. Truly.
    Beautiful Post, Dear Sweet Nan. Xxx

  7. This gives me hope. I will hold out for a hero and I will not compromise. Your stories make it so real and honest. I want what you have.

    1. That is the test, to not compromise. I wasn’t looking then there he was. He wasn’t looking either and had no plans. And what we have is what we put into it!

  8. I don’t remember this one but wow. I LOVE this song and I love this post. i love that your Alpha is your hero. You have a way with words that teach, inspire, create, and help. I always enjoy your posts.

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