Alpha Hubby gave to me…
A Road Trip!!!
We’re getting ready to go to look at a property. Since he has too many cattle and too few acres, we are going to be moving soon. Otherwise we’re going to have a huge MOO-tinny around here. Moo-tinny – get it? Mutiny=mootinny – ? Guess you had to be there.

We love Road Trips. No matter where we go and how long it takes to drive there, we talk the entire way there. I bring my Kindle to no avail because for some reason, even after 23 years, we still haven’t learned everything there is to know about one another. Or we have things to share or talk about. We haven’t figured it out yet but I don’t care. We talk.
I hear complaints from women that their man won’t talk to them. Alpha Hubby has grunting-beating chest moments (of course, I like that about him, snicker, snicker). But he is very eloquent in expressing himself and has always asked me questions to find out “who” I am – even after all these years.
So I guess our Road Trip is a form of intimacy. We talk about a myriad of topics and not always super intelligent ones. We may talk cattle – we may talk s*x. One thing I know is that our talks are always:
Falalalala la la la la!!
(I changed the third song to a Pentatonix song – Mary Did You Know. If you haven’t heard this amazing American a cappella group, tune in. They are absolutely astonishing. Go down to the bottom of the far right to the 4 sound bars for 4 different Christmas songs.)
Hey Lady! You still SO cool and talented with your literary script.
If you want to stay in Arkansas, can’t help with land search. If Springfield, MO area open, can introduce you to reliable agent.
Holler at me if you get the chance.
Love ya,
Janet Sanders
On the 2nd day of Christmas my true love gave to me a surprise. Yep! She is always surprising me. So I look forward to what day three will bring.
Hmm. I wonder why you didn’t tell what the surprise was? Snicker, snicker!!! I’ve been Naughty.