30 Days Intimacy, All Blogs, Romance

30 Days of Intimacy: Find 100 Ways

(This is a post from the 30 Days of Intimacy Challenge;

When I was single, my mom told me something profound.  She said, “Whatever he is while you’re dating, he’ll be more of after you’re married.  And it will be amplified.”  So what she was saying was: if you’re dating a serial killing axe murdering psychopath, thinking he just needs a good woman’s love and that you can change him after you get married, think again.  And again.

Alpha Hubby was half-baked when we met.  Sorry babe!  He knew a lot of amazing and romantic things but to be fully baked, he had to learn how to apply them to ME (whether I acted like I wanted to receive them or not).  He was a very giving person while we were dating (those whole 7 weeks). Because of my past, it wasn’t as easy for me to receive those loving gestures.

Let me ‘splain: A few months after we were married, I was outside on the riding lawnmower. He decided to bring me a glass of iced tea. I saw him coming and remember thinking suspiciously, “Wonder what he wants.”  Yah, ve vas a wee bit messed up in der dumme kopf!  I did not react well when he tried to hand the glass to me and, confused, he went back to the house.

I was sitting there thinking, “You dummy. He was just trying to be nice.” It was such a foreign concept to me. I knew I needed to fix it, and as hard as it was for me to explain myself or ***choke*** apologize, I had to.  So I did explain and he was so gracious and understanding (which was strange in itself.  Where was the recrimination? Where was the “well, you should be sorry!”??).  There wasn’t any; just acceptance.  But he did say something very important. “Good thing you told me because I was never going to do that again.”

I learned a good lesson that day – I needed to quit being a serial killing-axe murdering psychopath so touchy, and to learn to trust that he really was as good as he came across.  He was what he was.  Good. HE was a gift, to me.

We sometimes do that – bring preconceived ideas into our relationships, no matter what is right there in front of us.  If we’ve been hurt once (or 200 times), then all men are scum of the earth not to be trusted.  Worse, we develop preconceptions over time during marriage, begin to assume we know our mates inside and out, and quit really listening to or seeing them.  We quit “working” on or protecting our relationship.

Alpha Hubby was a giver when we met.  And truly, after the iced tea incident, he began looking “to find 100 ways” to bless me, give to me, help me, love me.  And he hasn’t stopped giving to me yet, 16.7 years later.  Am I blessed?  Most certainly.  And I know it.

All I’m going to do today is chat a bit about our last two weeks – 12 days actually – and what I’ve heard and experienced.  First off, someone asked me if anyone had reported that it gets tougher as the days go by or if anyone was having trouble maintaining the intimacy.  Well of course!  Life always tries to get in the way of intimacy!

Some people have been sick (Road to Joy).  Some people have had college tours and sick sons, and a soon-to-be 2 weeks hunting trip (Momma’s Soapbox).  Some people hit brick walls of exhaustion from working too many hours  and days in a row (Alpha Hubby and LBDDiaries, moi).  Others quit after the first couple of days.  And still others never started although they expressed an interest.

When you hear the saying, “It takes work to have an amazing and passionate marriage, and to keep it that way” – hello?  Life tries to get in the way – in between the two of you – all the time.  It always will.  Kids come and wives diappear into their children’s lives for 18 years, then when the kids leave home, they come up for air and wonder who that guy is living in their house.  Work loads increase and we have to make ourselves rest and remember to focus on our loved one.  We feel we need to forgive ourselves if the only intimacy we can work up is playing footsie while eating dinner.  There truly is nothing to forgive – intimacy is intimacy – and footsie is pretty neat!

And how are Alpha Hubby and I doing?  We are truly having to think (find 100 ways) about ways to up the intimacy – to figure out new ways and remember old ways.  We were cocky and thought, “This will be a breeze; we already do great.”  Yep, sure, unh huh.  So we thought.  Once we truly began focusing on intimacy and one another, we found out we could afford to up that intimacy level.  It changed our attitude within a couple of days!  It was amazing how that focus became fine-tuned and sharpened.  It is wonderful.

It is important to play together as a couple (something Alpha Hubby has no problem initiating).  So we’ve been doing more of that, too.  Playing can be anything from chasing each other around the kitchen island, getting into ice fights, sending silly notes and e-cards (even if they don’t come thru, it still counts, unless you’re lying to me about sending them??  I mean anyone can SAY “I sent an e-card, did you get it?” working to get brownie points), slow dancing in the living room, swimming in the pool – whatever is fun for us.

For previous LBD postings on this, see this link:

Oh, and p.s., Alpha Hubby? Just for reference to this old James Ingram song? There is no “old lover” in my memory – no one loved me before. You are the first and only. And I do not ever believe I’m am now or in the future wasting my time. But you can still find 100 ways, any old time!!

This is copyrighted material Copyright © 2009 Nan C Loyd, and may not be copied or used without author’s express written permission.

Song: Find 100 Ways, James Ingram

20 thoughts on “30 Days of Intimacy: Find 100 Ways

  1. I know the feeling of doubt, fear and worry. I choose to leave this at the door for my new partner to get a fair chance at real love. I feel as though the suspecting Rebecca is only holding herself back from happiness… looking for a problem, is the problem. Also, in order for me to find the right person, I have to be the right person. So, instead of changing/ controlling someone else, I choose to change myself knowng that with that commitment I will have all that I deserve in love.
    I do not live to find love, I love to feel alive!
    The Carolmel to my Apples!

  2. amen, and amen,and aaaaamen.nwe just wrestled on the bed until i almost fell off, both of us laughing so hard we cried. nnot bad for 46, and for over 20 years together. ni say play, and play hard.nand trust-that was a good one-trust the intention.nthanks for the lovely comments at cate’s… 🙂

  3. Thanks so much for your thoughts! I too have found myself not being gracious when my man is showing loving gestures…. I also love the idea of playing together. Laughing and being silly is really important!!!

  4. It’s almost feels like you are writing about me. Yes, call me dumme kopf. It took me years to realize that he is just TRYING to be nice and helpful with expecting nothing in return. Would you say I had little trust issues? It’s almost like I can’t believe that I was lucky enough to find the last decent man on earth and I kept trying continuously to screw it up. He didn’t give in and yes, here we are 17 years later still trying to figure it out, but together.nnNow, I am off to chase him around the kitchen island before the kids come home from school.Maybe make him a lunch without him expecting it.n

  5. You’re right – playing and having fun is important. Boardgames, chasing each other, flirting – whatever it is, it should never stop. Cute post…you always have great posts, though!

  6. You’re right – playing and having fun is important. Boardgames, chasing each other, flirting – whatever it is, it should never stop. Cute post…you always have great posts, though!

  7. “It is important to play together as a couple.” I am so happy to be with the husband who knows and likes to play in so many ways. Early in our relationship, a couple of his friends described him as having a “heart of gold.” I like to kid him about that, but it’s so true. The other day in the store, both of us moved a bit too fast and he ran the cart into my back and heel. Hard. I hadn’t even gotten the ouch! out when he grabbed and held me until the damn initial pain moved on….Did I tell you already how much I like your posts? 🙂

  8. What a great post. I love that you are taking this challenge. I would’ve been in the same place as you riding the mower and my hubby coming to offer me something just to be nice. I’m so glad that your husband is the genuine article!

  9. Awww…thanks for the link! I loved this post…so true and touching! I was the same way with my husband when we met – “Can he really be this good to me?” was a thought that went through my head often. I think that we are part of a lucky group of people…rnrnI can’t believe that you guys (you and Pamela) are already halfway through! Keep up the good work, and the great posts!

  10. This is such a good point – My grandfather used to say that we don’t change as we get older, we only become more of what we already were. It’s hard sometimes to not look at someone and see what we think of as their potential (and how much did you hate that word when you were in school??) and instead accept them for who they are – or not – in which case they probably aren’t the person for you!

  11. This is such a good point – My grandfather used to say that we don’t change as we get older, we only become more of what we already were. It’s hard sometimes to not look at someone and see what we think of as their potential (and how much did you hate that word when you were in school??) and instead accept them for who they are – or not – in which case they probably aren’t the person for you!

  12. Ah, Nan, this was excellent. I hope people are READING this! 🙂 I’m starting my day smiling, even though I still feel like I’m going to throw up, and not from being part of a couple that makes you want to puke, ha ha.

  13. Another fab post Nan! Love the line about how women can disappear into their children’s lives -very true, and can happen without you even realising it at times.

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