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An Honest to Goodness Love Story

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In honor of Valentines Day 2015, this month I am either writing new or posting old love stories about Alpha Hubby’s and my relationship. Read at your own risk. No gagging allowed. As usual, if the music bugs, go to right bar and pause!

Once upon a time book cover


This is a Love Story.  This is the story about a girl who met a boy who loved the girl completely, totally, unconditionally almost from the moment he met her.

It is about a girl who was so skittish, she never let anyone get close to her.   No one.  Ever.   Not even girlfriends who “thought” they knew her.

The plot revolves around the boy overcoming the girl’s insurmountable obstacles to help her achieve her wildest dream, True Love.   This is not a fairy tale.


Once Upon a Time in a desolate land long ago, there was a girl single parent who had been single for twelve years.  Years before she had told God that she would never marry again, ever, never, ever, unless He wrote in the sky, “Girl, this is the one I have for you!”  (And we all know how often THAT happens.)

word love skywrite

Two weeks before the girl met the boy, a total stranger told the girl, “God said for me to tell that you that you will meet the one He has for you in the next two weeks.”  He also told the girl a lot of details like, “When you do meet him, don’t share that with anyone” and “You will be happier than you’ve ever been in your entire life.”

Okaaaaay.  But the girl did sit down and type up everything he told her.  Hope prevailed while common sense stated, “No way.”

One day at the Nuclear Elf Factory, the girl and boy met.  The Nuclear Elf Factory frowned on office relationships, thus the “don’t tell” part the girl was told.  They met a few days before the girl’s birthday.   By this time, she had almost forgotten about what that stranger said so she wasn’t even thinking about it.  Her guard wasn’t up.  She was Unsuspecting.

The boy told the girl hello.  The boy and girl chatted in her cubicle.  It came out that he was being stalked by an evil witch who decided he would be her next husband.  He asked the girl to be his fake date to his church Valentine banquet to get this evil witch off his trail.  Of course, being the sweet girl she was (*wink wink*), the girl said yes.  She had had a stalker once, too.  It’s so nice to have things in common right off the bat!

ring gold chain

By the time our boy and girl went to the Valentine’s Day banquet a month later, they were secretly engaged.  She had an engagement ring on a golden chain around her neck.  (Well, until they told people, she couldn’t quite wear it in public now, could she?!)

Seven weeks (yes, you read that right) to the day after they magically met, they were married in a small evening service with only parents to witness the union. Well, along with a small 11 year old boy who had his own ceremony with the amazing Knight in Shining Armor. They promised to be a family until death did them part. Hopefully not for many, many years.

Twenty years, 11 months, 6 days ago, the girl met and fell in love with her Knight.  In all these years, his armor has never tarnished.  He loves the girl so boldly and unconditionally that she sometimes wonders what’s the matter with him!  HE loves her.  He LOVES her.  He loves HER

Two bound hearts

It is so breathtaking that sometimes she sits on the porch he built her, in the rocking chair he bought her, still in awe, and thinking how good God has been to her, to bring this boy across her pathway. Occasionally, when she comes across the notes she wrote after the total stranger told her the things he did, she is amazed how true everything he said was and how it all came to pass.

She truly is happier than she has ever been in her life.  Her cousin, Cinderella, had nothing on our girl when it came to drama and evil step-mot… um…  talking mice? Evil cats? Singing sadly, “In my own little corner, in my own own little chair I can be whatever I want to be“? Psycho-exes?

The girl can’t even describe it sometimes because it is hard to wrap the mind around the fact that 20 years, 11 months, 6 days later, he still loves her madly, passionately and completely.

More so, actually.

Interlinking Skywriting Hearts

In the end, faith and hope prevail and she finally gets the one thing she always wanted:  to be loved unconditionally by a Hero.  And to have True Love.

Baby, thank you for 20 years, 11 months, 6 days, each better than the last – for 20 years, 11 months, 6 days of unbelievable love – sometimes warm and fuzzy, mostly insanely hot and passionate!  Thank you for adventures, oceans, making me the best fudge ever, snowmen, seashells, laughter, and all my wishes coming true, in you.  You are so much better than anything I could have dreamed up.

When God writes it in the sky (and He does), you can safely take a chance!  Don’t settle. Wait until you have your true heart’s desire.

The Beginning.

There is no end in a True Love story.  Every day is a new opportunity to keep the love fresh, vibrant, precious, a beginning, a fresh slate.  It just keeps on getting better and better.

7 thoughts on “An Honest to Goodness Love Story

  1. How did I miss this post? I always love the telling of your meeting and your love story. You forgot to tell about the card God had you get before your alpha asked you to marry him. That is my favorite part.

  2. LOL Nuclear Elf Factory – I like that! It’s always so amazing to me that you two married after only 7 weeks and now these 20 years epitomize what a wonderful marriage can and hopefully always will be for a man and woman!! Great post, Nan 🙂

  3. Nothing can change my love for you! Only insanity would bring an end to what we have. Adventures, fun, love, rendezvous, excitement, and many unmentionables. What else could an Alpha want? Notta! Wait until you see what Alpha has planed for you very soon. It will be so awesome it will make all of our previous adventures and rendezvous seem insignificant.

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