All Blogs, Goal Setting

Bite This!

 2013 digits

I’ve noticed blogs that say “Make resolutions!”  Then there are those that say, “Don’t make resolutions!”  Then “Let us walk right, talk right and spit right, and everything will be OK!”  Worst of all: “Ignore it all and stay the same way!!”  Hey!  There is always room for improvement.

So my thought is, “Christmas is coming.”  I know!  So profound.  I owe it all to Alpha Hubby.  Why?  Because he says it ALL. THE. TIME.

His meaning is this:  we make promises to ourselves to do better or make changes and then we break those promises to ourselves.  We decide to lose some weight.  We decide to exercise more.  We decide to eat healthy.  We decide to be nicer to people.  We decide to write that book (side note: which, last year, my friend Pamela Hutchins DID DO.  Not just one but she published six at once.  And I am chomping at the bit waiting for a sequel on one of them.  Go check them out here:

Dec 25 small

Anyway, for the rest of us, Christmas is coming!  Maybe this year, we start out gung ho and do right… for about two weeks.  Then life gets in the way, interest wanes or we get tired of eating carrots and celery (smile).  The next thing we know, Christmas is here and we didn’t do any of the things we wanted to do.  The time got away from us.

The days will pass whether we do what we said we wanted to do… or not.  Christmas is coming no matter what we are doing.  Do we want it to get here and we’ve at least made an attempt at changes we desired?  Or do we want it to get here and feel a huge sense of disappointment in ourselves that we’ve let ANOTHER YEAR pass by without doing what we wanted?

robot success

What is the answer to stick-to-it-ness?  Heck if I know.  What?  You thought this was going to continue to be a deep, profound blog post?  I’m leaving the profoundness to Alpha Hubby.  Christmas is coming.  It will get here and we will have accomplished what we wanted… or NOT.  I guess it all depends on how badly we really want it.  If we really do, then we will find the way to do whatever it is.  We each must find out for ourselves.

As for me, I’m following the principles I learned studying people who’ve walked in their dreams:  write those long term goals down.  Figure out the steps to get there.  Break those steps down into manageable bites – short term goals.  Then, do something every single day toward that goal, no matter how simple or complex that something is. 

How do you eat an elephant?  It’s HUGE! 

One bite at a time.  Hee hee hee.

If you only view that elephant as one giant goal, you will become overwhelmed and Christmas will get here and you will still be staring at the elephant.  Begin with one bite at a time (I know, I know, it sounds gross but stick with me here).  Break your goal down into small bites and Christmas will get here and you will be closer to that goal or have completed it!

Scale Weights

Say you want to lose 50 pounds.  Don’t focus on 50 pounds.  Focus on what you can do today toward the goal of losing one pound.  Today, this meal, what can you eat right?  How many minutes can you walk today?  Bites.

Or that book you want to write?  Write down those chapter ideas.  Figure out a character.  Decide what your chapter titles will be.  Research what others have done.  Write your goal number of pages for today.  Bites.

Those bites – little accomplishments toward your ultimate goal – will help you stay on track and keep you from focusing on what hasn’t been done yet.  Instead you can focus on what you have done toward that goal

live life

And the ultimate goal for 2013 should be this – SAY IT WITH ME – “This year I will enjoy life more.  I will stress less or not at all.  I will jump in water puddles.  I will dance around the house.  I will sing at the top of my lungs.  I will surround myself with things I think are beautiful.  Every single day, I will do something nice just for me.  I will be more grateful and I will express that gratitude.  I will choose to be happy!”

So I will leave this semi-profound blog post with a poke and grin:  here is Alpha Hubby’s goal for the New Year.  I know, I know.  But we can’t ignore him.  He refuses to be ignored.

stress sex2

16 thoughts on “Bite This!

  1. I absolutely LOVE that last goal. To love life more. To stress less. And, tee hee, to have more sex with my hubby:). That’s always good.
    I’m not big on resolutions. But those things I will commit to. Keep writing. Expand our ministry to the state of Minnesota. And to spend more time with my family!! That’s actually number one. Because they totally rock.
    I am also lookin forward to reading more of Pamela’s books!
    Much love! Xoxo

  2. I love AH! And you! Happy New Year. Thanks for the humongous shout out 🙂 We are just back from two blessed weeks off the grid, no laptops, no wifi, rare cell connection. We went to Big Bend National Park (mark your bucket list, it was awesome). And one of our “just do its” for this year? Essentially we agree with AH. We are going to mark weekends, quarterly, that are ONLY For US: No KIDS, No WORK, no nothing else. We didn’t do a good enough job at that last year, and busy is no excuse. Love you, dahlink

  3. With that said, and a goal in mind, I am about to have a very good year and when Christmas comes I will be a very happy camper. I know you will be glad also as I acomplish my goal. Rope?

    1. Sometimes you are deeeeep. And very funny. That’s why I like you. Your funny deepness. Piled high and deep!!

  4. Happy New Year my friend!!! Did Alpha Hubby and my Mr. G. has the same goals…. Great post – especially the writing that book part ~ I’ve been reading bits I’ve written and am determined this is going to be the year I finish it!!
    Wishing you abundant blessings, happiness, great health and the best adventures ever…xo Hugs, C. (HHL)

  5. I am not going to show my husband your husband’s goal. He’d jump right on that. Very, very cute. Drop me a catchup email soon. You owe me.

    1. Awwww, come on – show him the goal. It’s a darned good one, really. Keep an Alpha happy and life goes so much better (snicker snicker). Email on way.

  6. You say you don’t know how to stick to it but you actually gave excellent advice with the bite size example. I always do too much then give up because it is too much. Good post here sweetie!

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