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Unexpected Forever

I read a quote recently in a book.  I liked the quote but better so when I re-wrote it:

Forever has a way of happening when least expected
and in ways not even imagined.

My unexpected forever began with Alpha Hubby.  I sure wasn’t expecting to meet him at work.  And I sure didn’t expect such a fierce love.

This man still takes my breath away after 19+ years of marriage.

I was being introspective today caught up in thoughts of him, our relationship, our love, our passion, our intimacy, and our journey together thus far.

I even thought about how relationships have highs and lows, ups and downs, and I realized that our lows and downs are often other people’s ups and highs.  Yeah.  It’s that good.

I don’t say we haven’t had yelling (me) or throwing (me, again) or stomping of feet (hey, I was practicing clog dancing), or some pretty passionate discussions.  But truth be told, most of that is just ME.  Adapting to dealing with something I don’t like.  If I were more mature, I wouldn’t yell, throw or practice clog dancing.  No, I would have a mature discussion of compromises.  Unh huh.

Any passionate discussion always ends up with me realizing that this guy is so easy to live with, so willing to work with me, so determined to work on changing whatever bugs me, and stuff like that, that he comes across as a saint.  And yeah, I wanna punch him sometimes for being so calm and saintly.  So I do – in the arm.

Then he does something like this:

He came home once and said, “You want to hear my new song?”

I said sure.

He proceeded to sing the chorus to Nancy Sinatra’s song, “These boots were made for walking…” except he said, “These lips were made for kissing – and that’s just what they’ll do!  These lips will kiss and kiss and kiss and kiss all over you.”

Now his new thing is “lip” as in “Have you lipped me today?”  Or if he’s in a hurry, he’ll just look at me and say, “Lip!”  I guess that is his way of being in a hurry and staying romantic.

Oh yeah.  I likes it.  I likes it a lot.  How can I not?  He used to be SO serious.  Now he’s just so relaxed and into enjoying life to the fullest.

Times like these are when I realize how very blessed I am that this unexpected forever of mine is so amazing and wondrous.  I wasn’t looking for him when he slipped into my life.  I sure wasn’t expecting this level of forever after, beyond the happiest of happy. That is why I know there is a God and that He loves me. Very much.  Why?  He gave me the gift of Alpha Hubby.  And I gotta say – best gift evah!!

For sure I am well aware how blessed I am in you, baby.  Happy 19 years, 5 months, 1 day, 1 hour, 25 minutes.



He didn’t swoop into my life
To tear it up
As so many others had.
He slipped in – almost unnoticed
Tentatively reaching toward me
To join our lives as one.

He was so quiet and unassuming
I almost missed his worth
But as we meshed our lives together
And he grew comfortable in our love
He became someone else…
Magic Man who loves unconditionally
And saw exactly who I was behind the icy barriers of protection
And his strength
And his power
And his love
Melted all objections away
That I am,
Oh I am,
Worthy of his love.

Copyright © 2007 Nan C. Loyd



16 thoughts on “Unexpected Forever

  1. This was a beautiful poem and I wish more couples were doing this from the get-go at Day 1. Then, carrying it on for….like you said…Forever! This was awesome and thank you! 🙂

    1. Thank you for visiting! You’re right – if we work to keep the forever-feeling strong and active in our relationships, it really would carry on forever!

    1. Thank you, my e-friend! Most of my oldest writings were very angst-ridden (I was a teenager and early 20’s) so it was nice when the Muse hit me with a few more positive ones later in life (smile).

  2. ““You and Alpha should have your own talk show. It could be called Bliss & Blessings!

    I swear, all couples could learn a thing or two from you guys.

    What gems you are <3 Xxxx

    1. I love it! I think I will take you up on that somehow because I love the name – Bliss and Blessings. You always come up with neat things like that!

  3. I love how you live your romance. Is bold and honest. I commend you for being so open in the sharing process. Now I really hope you get into instagram so you can take selfies of hubby and you… we are nerds and do all the time could care less what anyone else says. 🙂

    1. I will check into Instagram, I promise. Alpha Hubby is bold and honest so how could our romance be any differently?

  4. Just a lovely post!!! Congratulations for having such a great love in your life.

    I feel guilty sometimes, because I am so lucky where my hubby is concerned. We’ve known each other 31 years and have been married 24 of them. Just last week was the anniversary of when he proposed, which happened to be the same day we first kissed, five years before. How very blessed I am!

    1. I know. It’s funny how some people just can’t celebrate your joy with you! Congrats on 24 married years and 29 years since that first kiss!!

  5. Oh my friend I just smiled all the way through this post. Your love for Alpha Hubby rings loud in clear in each word and his actions (and singing) speak loudly of how much he loves you in return. You continue to be an inspiration about love, romance and believing that magic happens in blessings from above – we just need to open our hearts and live each moment.

    I could so relate to your statement “If I were more mature, I wouldn’t yell, throw or practice clog dancing. No, I would have a mature discussion of compromises. Unh huh.” …. glad i’m not the only one.

    Beautiful poem.

    Wishing you a fabulous week ahead!! Hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

    1. Miss C – we could take clog-dancing lessons together, right? And oh yes, I do love my lipping Alpha. He’s very unusual and unique!

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