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What kind of year will you have?

I didn’t realize how long it had been since I posted! Selling mom’s house (yay) took up some time but now I’m left to deal with all the stuff we had to rush out of the storage shed and put in my sunroom! And semi-unpacking without unpacking my kitchen supplies has been fun. We know we’re going to move; we just don’t know when!

So cooking Christmas dinner was quite the challenge.  I heard a lot of things like, “Where is the whisk?” or “Crud, do you know where the vanilla is?” Alpha Hubby and I put on an amazing dinner but it sure took some doing!

So here I am, six days into the New Year. I didn’t make resolutions because when you resolve to do something, you can fail. Resolve means to “make up your mind, decide, determine.” I’ve made up my mind a million times to get back into my Little Black Dresses. I’ve also wandered away from that decision and wandered back a million times!

I never quit but I haven’t been as focused as I should have been. I am healthier than I was 6 months ago but I haven’t lost any more weight (and yes, nosy, I KNOW why).

So right after Christmas dinner, I got rid of everything that had snuck into the house that I didn’t want to be tempted by. NO, I do NOT know HOW it got into the house!! Really! Anyway, if Alpha Son didn’t take it home, I threw it away. Who knew a jar of Welch’s grape jelly could lead to sin?

I also began DOING the things I knew to do – got back to taking my krill oil and organic Bragg’s apple cider vinegar faithfully. along with drinking more water. Water wise, I didn’t jump into it, I just added a little more every day. My body is so happy. My skin had gotten unbelievably DRY to the point it hurt. While we have been running the heater more since the weather has gone north (gone north, get it? not hotter but colder? guess you had to be there).

Okay where was I? Oh yeah, dry skin – you know it is dry from the inside out when you put body lotion on, it soaks in and you still feel dry. So I knew I wasn’t drinking enough water.

This year I am going to DO. I will do what I know to do to continue getting healthier and in the best shape of my life. I have enough programs, plans, exercise equipment, and support to be successful in my DOING. I have gotten rid of all excuses. I have figured out my triggers and gotten rid of them. I have seen what comes along and takes me out like a wrestler pinning his opponent to the mat – and I know how to deal with that enemy now. I KNOW WHAT TO DO.

So all that is left is the doing of it.  I will have a great year – the BEST ever – accomplishing everything I set my hand to do!

tango-kitchen   I will do what is necessary to recreate this picture only using Alpha Hubby and myself.

4 thoughts on “What kind of year will you have?

  1. I’m new to your blog but I sure like some of the things you’ve been saying. I have been battling my weigh forever. I am going to take some of your advice and just do it this year.

  2. Oh man i know exactly what you mean about that dry skin. Doesn’t the fish oil help too? Good luck losing that weight. You will make it this time!

  3. Yay for a NEW Year! It’s our year gosh darnit! I’ve postponed my florida trip until I have money to actually enjoy myself. I’m headed back for a Masters degree in a few months. I’m still without Internet, but I’ll be up and bloging again in a week or two. I hope your power holds out. No electricity when it’s freezing isn’t fun. 🙂

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