As usual, if the music bugs, go to right bar and pause it!

I’m telling you, I have NO idea what happened to last year. Wonderful things happened but the year zip-p-p-p-ped by! So, I plan to have an even better this year starting with…

Whoo hooo! My birthday is this week. No, I am not telling you how many ’cause that’s just non-ya biz. I’m being mellow about it. That seems to happen when those numbers change so – not drastically. No, POWERFULLY. I embrace the power!
Alpha Son/wife are taking me to a Japanese restaurant; Alpha Hubby? I’ll show you at the end of this post. Needless to say, he gets lots and lots of brownie points. He was even smart enough to say, “It is who you are. It suits you.” Yeah, baby!!
I have been doing a lot of belly-button contemplating since the beginning of the year. There are many changes going into effect and many things I am changing. I’ll chat about that later on.
Blog-wise, I am planning to mostly stick to writing about the true-love affair Alpha Hubby and I are wrapped up in. I find it helps me keep focused on protecting what we have. We are heading into our 21st year of marriage in March. Wow.
We are working harder than ever to keep it fresh, hot, to keep ourselves connected, and not ever become roommates – or worse, ships passing in the night. Although I am not sure how he could pass me going anywhere since we are joined at the hips (hoho). He’d have to drag me along with him. Oh, wait! He’s already doing that!!

My friend Kim had a neat blog post about marriage this past week. Go check out her funny post entitled, Saint Elmo’s Fire, Wild, & Marriage. I love her point, how passionate we are about doing everything for the other person when we are just married then 25 years later, being a bit more lax. There is no fear when you love one another and, as she says, “…you’ll always be going home together.” Drop over, leave a love comment!
OK, I’m not going to waste any more time. I’m going to show you what Alpha Hubby got me for my birthday. And no, I didn’t know I was getting it. It was a surprise. These pictures are from the day he bought it, so he and Jerry the salesman (white haired dude) are checking it out.
As my son would say, “Don’t be jelly.” Heh heh.
Ta da!!

You actually have to be very careful because you’ll be doing 120 before you realize it! It’s been too cold to take the top off (altho that didn’t bother the Alphas). The trunk is small but the bag boy managed to get all my groceries in it (yay). I am just too cool for school! My former car is 14 years old so you can imagine how nice it is to have amenities (like 6-CD player and Bluetooth!).
Happy Birthday to me!
O M Gosh,
that is your car?!!!!!!!!!!! WOW.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why didn’t you tell me? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I KNOW, right?! I was surprised, to say the least! And because you’re very busy, dalink!
Oh Yeah. Alpha Hubby is starting the year off with his brownie point jar filled to the brim. I’m terrible at graciously accepting presents and Mr. Excitement never wants much of anything, so we have resolved to do experience presents. We succeeded in 2014: Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Hong Kong, Singapore, 3 months (winter months!) in Hawaii, Germany, Austria, Hungary and South Africa. So, we’re still driving the 13 year old car, but I’d rather be flying anyway. May you and AH enjoy your new car in safety and good health. Happy Birthday and Happy New Year.
Well like I told Alpha Hubby, he killed two birds with one stone – I needed another car and he aimed it at my birthday so says it counts as my present (smile). What a dirty bird.
Who’s car is that?????? Why it is yours. Nice, sweet and very fast.
At least when you said it suited me, you didn’t think “short fat and squatty” since it is a smaller sports car!! I’ll take nice, sweet and very fast any day!
I’d say Alpha Hubby earned the title ALPA with your birthday gift! Happy Happy Birthday, Nan – wishing you a year of blessing, joy and sweet surprises. You always bring a big smile to my face when I visit! Got back up t.v. (LOL) and hands-free calling? Beautiful car Nan to match a beautiful lady!
I do, I do have backup tv and hands free calling and didn’t know what to do with it!! Jerry had to get in the car with me and show me how to do all that modern stuff, hee hee! Right now I drive with one hand on the wheel and the other with the owners manual in it! Fun!