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(Pulling out another old ramble from the www.Joy-Cafe.Com during this busy time)

My oldest friend – scratch that.  Let me reword it – the friend I’ve known the longest in my life sounds much better, right?  Actually, she’s my ONLY longest-known friend.  That’s what happens when you move every 2-3 years (Army brat).  Anyway, she’s not old.  She’s four years younger than I am – but then again, that means less and less as those number go up and up!

I’ve known Robin Rene’ Robo Car Wash Riley (long story on the name) since 1974.  I was her roommate and she is one of the most giving persons I know.  To this day, she still thinks of others first!

Robin is the first one who taught me about unconditional giving.  She would do things “just because.”  If we were both home and she discovered I’d had a rough day, she’d bring me a cup of tea in a beautiful tea cup.   She shared freely of everything she owned.  She is the epitome of the words, “generous” and “giver.”  She did things for no reason other than it is who she is inside.  Thoughtful – always thinking of others.  She loves to make things and times special for those around her.

Robin used to work for Hall*ark.  I don’t know if that is when she began this tradition or not, but it was around that time.  She began sending me cards for EVERY holiday or everything you could send a card for – from July 4th and Mother’s Day to the more obscure ones that I never heard of.

Without fail (except for the few times she couldn’t find me in life, when I moved, we lost touch [but never for long], etc.), she sent cards.  After I had my son, she sent him cards with $1 in them for years – which thrilled him to no end.  Even today, he still remembers those cards.  I can honestly say that Robin is one of the people who taught me how to share, give and live life to the fullest!  She taught me that it is the littlest touches that can make life special.

Thirty-six years later, Robin still sends cards – every holiday and celebration, without fail.  This is an amazing form of giving that always brings me a smile and “feel good” feeling.  This is a tradition worth celebrating. 

Some people tend to develop holiday traditions that are not good.  Every year people scurry around in a near-panic, desperate to find those perfect last-minute gifts.  Tempers are frayed.  Patience is at an end.  Politeness is often nowhere to be found.  Kids are screaming, “gimmie, gimmie, gimmie” in stores while parents are threatening them with, “Santa won’t bring you anything if you don’t stop this!”  Some mutter, ‘Yeah, you sure can tell it’s Christmas again, bah humbug!”  Others claim, “What? You think I’m made of money?”  (I heard all this yesterday while standing in a checkout line!”)

There are parties to attend or give, extra gifts to buy, musicals to either put on, be in, or listen to, food to eat, dinners to fix, cookies to bake, candy to indulge in, diets to worry about, houses to clean, cards to email or find, address, stamp and snail mail, gifts to wrap and hide (then remember where you hid them), and on and on and on.

Why do I call all this a tradition?  One meaning is of the word tradition is, “an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior.”  If we are stressed every year, it is a tradition!  If we become depressed at this time of year, every year, it is a tradition!  If we overeat every year, it is a tradition!

You know, we can replace those traditions with better ones.  We can actually develop more patience – it’s sort of about where the  focus is!   We can drop more than change in the Salvation Army buckets!  Shock ’em – drop in a $5, $10 – even a *shock* $20!   Then your focus is on others.  We can keep our tempers.   We can be polite to everyone, even scroogey people.   We can take time out for sitting and contemplating our belly buttons.  No, that’s not right.  Contemplating… what we are thankful for!  Contemplating what is good about life.  Contemplating what we are grateful we have instead of what we don’t have.  There is so much to be joyful about.  

Christmas isn’t about THINGS.  Christmas is about memories, good traditions, and love.  Christmas, for Christians, is about Jesus, because without Him, there would be no Christmas.  Christmas is about making new memories, touching the lives of those around you – for good or for bad.


Christmas is about thankfulness and JOY, giving and helping, sharing and loving!

8 thoughts on “Tradition!

  1. That’s a lovely tradition. Please tell me that you’ve kept all the cards 🙂

    The holidays can be stressful. We don’t really have that problem around here. We don’t plan parties, we really don’t buy gifts, we don’t send Christmas cards, we just give to charity, decorate, and spend time with our family. That’s not to say that we don’t go all out around here…but it’s just for us, so there’s no stressed involved that something won’t be done in time, because who would know anyway? Maybe it makes us seem scroogey to other people that we keep to ourselves during the holidays, but too bad for them. We love this time of year and we revel in it. We couldn’t do that if we were concerned with people that we don’t talk to the rest of the year anyway.

    I wanted to thank you for stopping by blog and supporting me during my crazy SITS day 🙂

  2. I so love tea cups – real tea cups. For coffee, tea, hot cocoa! Sigh! I have a very dear friend who is faithful with her cards, but I lost that gift long ago. I just couldn’t do it. Sometimes, we have to let go of some traditions and keep the important ones. I was watching “The Bishop’s Wife” and at the end the angel writes a sermon about “The Empty Stocking” – our Savior’s stocking – and I thought each boy needs to buy a gift to fill a stocking and give it to someone in need this Christmas season.

    Perfect Post for this sweet season!

  3. My mom was one of those people that sent cards, never missed a birthday. Drove my dad nuts! As she slowly got sicker, she would forget that she bought cards for a birthday already and would insist that they go out and get more.

    Needless to say, dad doesn’t have to go out and get birthday cards for anyone. Then again, he doesn’t have to worry about even sending them. It’s not his thing.

    Since I don’t have much family or friends to shop for or places to visit, I don’t stress over the holiday. I stress more over what to eat on that day. I sort of even look forward to it getting over with so I can get my house back together. Yeah, I guess you can say I’m a Bah Humbug.

    Lovely post though. The holiday is sort of like a wedding, it all works out in the end.

  4. Amen girl!!

    I absolutely, 100% agree with you.

    (Oh – and I finally gave you a proper thank you on my blog for your lovely gift!)


  5. Hi just come by after you left that really lovely comment on my blog and love it here….you are a classy lady I would say looking at this very pretty blog:)
    I think your post is excellent. I really believe that it’s the small things that are important, not loads of presents or food etc. You put it perfectly.
    I have just signed up on GFC to be your latest fan/admirer. Thank you for folowing me too. I’m delighted to welcome you to the Facing 50 with humour (laugh at life) family.

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog:) I love your name and tag line! I actually thought I might run some of my old posts too in the coming weeks since things will be crazy here with guests staying and I suspect the blogworld will slow down a lot.

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