Da dum when the movie Jaws came out, there was a sound that was made signifying the shark was coming. After that movie, that sound was used in jokes and spoofs for danger or something is coming, looming, frightening! Well, that’s my swimming pool and treadmill – da dum, da dum, dadumdadumdadum… theyre looming in my future and I can run away in stark terror or I can buckle down and fight like a… LBD winner.
I have figured out that I can’t really expect great results with getting back into my LBD if I don’t incorporate exercise into my lifestyle. Previously, I’ve talked about how you have to make the decision then follow-through. People make decisions all the time but until that decision is turned into follow-through, it doesnt count.
Someone I know put it best in a recent email to me: The bottom line to the thought process was that it is all in the mind when you hit bottom you will (or I guess I should say most people will) react in a positive way not think about it, not talk about it, not read about it, not study it, not care what any one else thinks – you will just DO IT and be successful end of story.
Hes right. I can talk about getting on that treadmill or in that pool all I want. Until I just do it, I wont be successful.
So now the big test comes to see what is inside me dedication to my LBD plan or have I just been blowing hot air? Da um, da dum…
I definitely know what you’re talking about. I’m always talking and thinking about eating healthier and exercise more, but it’s much easier to just stick with old, unhealthy habits than fight through it and DO things. I’ve just started to run this month about two times a week (it’s been insanely hot around these parts) and I’m surprised at how easily I’ve taken to it. It’s such a wonderful sense of accomplishment once you’ve done what you said you’d do and hopefully that motivates you to keep on doing it. Good luck with your mission!
By the way, I don’t think I ever got to tell you, but you won the Booty Parlor Flirty Little Secret Firming Cream giveaway on my blog. So send me your info so you can receive your gift. Hey, maybe that’ll spark your motivation to get your hiney in shape
I know……
To begin – just stand on it and get re-acquainted. What do you think? Then you can say you have DONE something. The next day stands on it again, maybe try out the paddles. LOL
Hey……. it’s better than nothing!!!