All Blogs, Romance

No Ordinary Love

Because of Valentine’s Day, I got to thinking about the power of True Love.  It really isn’t magic but when you see it, it looks and feels like magic.  My parents were a perfect example of True Love.

Ordinary, no – really don’t think so
Not a love this true
Common destiny – we were meant to be
Me and you

They didn’t marry until 12 years after high school, but my mom says she fell in love with him the minute she saw him.  Dad used to joke that he ran for 12 years and finally gave up – but he would say it with a special secret smile they gave one another when he said that.  The pix below are years apart (hers in 1944; his in 1966).


They were romantic, often breaking out in dance when my brother and I were growing up.  I loved watching my dad’s face when they were slow dancing.  There was never a doubt in my mind they were a romantic, madly in love couple even after 55 years of marriage.  I thought all parents were like my parents.

Like a perfect scene – from a movie screen
We’re a dream come true
Suited perfectly – for eternity
Me and you

After both my parents died, I was going through their effects and discovered each had saved romantic cards they’d received from each other over the years.  What surprised me is that the best ones (and most) were given later in their marriage.  Their love truly did get better and stronger as time went by, as evidenced by the little notes they hand-wrote in the card.  I felt I was a peeping tom looking at something intimate.


Contrary to all the negativity out there in the world, many couples are forever couples (like my friends Pamela and Eric) and work very hard to keep the romance and intimacy protected in their relationships.  They learned the secret that while it takes work to protect that intimacy, it is well worth it. 


Some people even get married right out of high school (like my friend Steph and her hubby Mike) and years later, are still madly in love and creating a wonderful life together.


Or like my son and his wife LeighAnn – after 5 years, they were married in 2010 in Vegas by Elvis thankyouverymuch.  They have so much fun together.  They play.  They laugh.  They fit like a hand and glove!

Alpha Hubby and I made a solemn promise to one another right after we married.  We promised not to become roommates.  We promised to keep the honeymoon going.  We promised that we would not allow what we had to fade and become stale.

Sometimes we have to slap our own faces and remind ourselves to put the other first, to keep that intimacy going, but it truly does just keep getting better and better. 

Everyday I live – try my best to give
All I have to you
Thank the stars above – that we share this love
Me and you

Alpha Hubby is incredibly adept at romantic gestures.  He wants to stop and dance.  He loves dancing with me.  He is always giving of himself for and to me.  He has learned a language of love that blesses me to hear.  Even after almost 18 years of marriage, he is able to take my breath away by how he feels and what he says.

He truly loves me and everything he does is for me and for us. 

The power of True Love is not just romantic gestures like sending flowers.  It is constantly letting one another know “you are so loved.”  It is believing in one another.  It is getting caught bragging about each other.  It is speaking words of life, positive words, over one another rather than pointing out each other’s faults.  It is in seeing that person as valuable and precious to you.  It is in keeping promises.  It is in not taking each other for granted.  True Love is far too rare to waste.

Ordinary, no – really don’t think so
Just a precious few – ever make it last
Get as lucky as
Me and you

Life is about True Tove.  It means you put your love for one another first, putting yourselves ahead of everything else.  Then you arrange that everything else around that precious love.  Then that everything else will work out from that point.  Never put anything else first ahead of each other – not children, not careers, not hobbies, not others.  The only thing more important than your love for one another is your love for God. 

You must nurture True Love.  Learn that rule.  Then go forth and Enjoy It.  Enjoy it more than just on Valentine’s Day!!



Baby, a few white hairs later (altho why yours is in your beard and mine is all over my head…), a lot of laughs, fun, joy, happiness, and True Love:

Every day I need you even more
And the nighttime too
There’s no way I could ever let you go
Even if I wanted to

And trust me, I don’t.  Ever.

Others to check out:

46 thoughts on “No Ordinary Love

  1. That song you quoted is my song with my husband! How neat! I love this post! I believe I have my true love and we married right out of high school. Thank you for visiting my blog today!

  2. That song you quoted is my song with my husband! How neat! I love this post! I believe I have my true love and we married right out of high school. Thank you for visiting my blog today!

  3. I love knowing that this is so possible. My husband and I have been married for over 8 years, and I’m constantly reminding myself not to take any of it for granted. To put him first, to appreciate his love, to let our love BE the romance. And it’s working — we are sappy and gag-inducing much of the time! But still, it’s good to see someone with more life-experience in this area show such DEPTH of love in every word.

    You guys seem like a truly lovely couple. Full of love.

    Happy Valentine’s day to you!

  4. I love knowing that this is so possible. My husband and I have been married for over 8 years, and I’m constantly reminding myself not to take any of it for granted. To put him first, to appreciate his love, to let our love BE the romance. And it’s working — we are sappy and gag-inducing much of the time! But still, it’s good to see someone with more life-experience in this area show such DEPTH of love in every word.

    You guys seem like a truly lovely couple. Full of love.

    Happy Valentine’s day to you!

  5. I just knew I would find something good here today on Valentines Day. You inspire me to keep those home fires burning bright for one another. Thank you.

  6. I just knew I would find something good here today on Valentines Day. You inspire me to keep those home fires burning bright for one another. Thank you.

  7. I think it’s easy to get so caught up in the cycle of work — everyday stresses, routines and worries — that we forget to cherish the romance in our lives, and then it dwindles. I love the way you write about marriage though. I love that you focus on the positive, everyday things in your marriage, and your passion for each other only deepens through the years. Beautifully written!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  8. I think it’s easy to get so caught up in the cycle of work — everyday stresses, routines and worries — that we forget to cherish the romance in our lives, and then it dwindles. I love the way you write about marriage though. I love that you focus on the positive, everyday things in your marriage, and your passion for each other only deepens through the years. Beautifully written!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  9. Awwww! It never really occurred to me to think of my parents as anything other than Mom and Papa until one day I heard my mother speaking on the phone to my aunt and saying “but you know, we have really good husbands. Both of us.” And then it occurred to me that I’ve never heard my parents fighting. Ever. Not once in almost thirty years.

    That’s impressive.

    Oh, and I’m honored to be mentioned in your check-these-out list!

  10. Awwww! It never really occurred to me to think of my parents as anything other than Mom and Papa until one day I heard my mother speaking on the phone to my aunt and saying “but you know, we have really good husbands. Both of us.” And then it occurred to me that I’ve never heard my parents fighting. Ever. Not once in almost thirty years.

    That’s impressive.

    Oh, and I’m honored to be mentioned in your check-these-out list!

  11. There were several things that rang so familiar to me in this sweet post!

    My parents had that same kind of love and I OFTEN say I thought all parents were like mine. I think that could be why my first marriage startled me so, I didn’t get to know him and understand that every man was NOT like my daddy.

    Also, like your dad….only in different terms….on our wedding day after the wedding….my husband said to me “if you had nagged a little more, we could have done this sooner!” 🙂

    I’ve also read letters my dad wrote when he worked away from home….and wow, was he romantic!

    Have a great day with your love. And how great to be married by Elvis! 🙂

  12. There were several things that rang so familiar to me in this sweet post!

    My parents had that same kind of love and I OFTEN say I thought all parents were like mine. I think that could be why my first marriage startled me so, I didn’t get to know him and understand that every man was NOT like my daddy.

    Also, like your dad….only in different terms….on our wedding day after the wedding….my husband said to me “if you had nagged a little more, we could have done this sooner!” 🙂

    I’ve also read letters my dad wrote when he worked away from home….and wow, was he romantic!

    Have a great day with your love. And how great to be married by Elvis! 🙂

  13. You always pick the most amazing songs. I like how you intertwined the song lyrics with the blog. And I really loved your parents story and picture. So handsome and beautiful. I loved this post.

    1. Merz, those songs just come. Sometimes first, sometimes after I start writing. I love when one totally fits what I’m writing. My parents were truly special in their relationship.

  14. You always pick the most amazing songs. I like how you intertwined the song lyrics with the blog. And I really loved your parents story and picture. So handsome and beautiful. I loved this post.

    1. Merz, those songs just come. Sometimes first, sometimes after I start writing. I love when one totally fits what I’m writing. My parents were truly special in their relationship.

  15. —Nan,
    I love this post so much.

    Romantic. Sweet. Love. Love. Love.

    The photos added a special touch.

    Happy Valentine’s day!

    Have fun w/ Alpha Man. xxXX

    1. We’ve been celebrating since Thursday and Sunday was our actual V-day celebration since he gets home so late on Tuesday. Love your support, thank you!

  16. —Nan,
    I love this post so much.

    Romantic. Sweet. Love. Love. Love.

    The photos added a special touch.

    Happy Valentine’s day!

    Have fun w/ Alpha Man. xxXX

    1. We’ve been celebrating since Thursday and Sunday was our actual V-day celebration since he gets home so late on Tuesday. Love your support, thank you!

  17. YOU are the QUEEN of LOVE! You should have a t.v. show. Your post made me think of my grandfather waltzing on Main Street U.S.A. with my grandmother to a Glenn Miller type band. It was a Saturday evening at the end of our towns historical celebration day – and I thought true love was beautiful, no matter the age. We’re celebrating our 29th anniversary this year – and it seems like it was just yesterday we married!

    BTW – what a handsome and beautiful couple are your son and DIL – He looks like you:)

    1. Oh, I could just see your gramps waltzing on Main Street with your gram; what a wonderful visual. I love Glenn Miller type music so much. Wish you had a pix of them dancing!

  18. YOU are the QUEEN of LOVE! You should have a t.v. show. Your post made me think of my grandfather waltzing on Main Street U.S.A. with my grandmother to a Glenn Miller type band. It was a Saturday evening at the end of our towns historical celebration day – and I thought true love was beautiful, no matter the age. We’re celebrating our 29th anniversary this year – and it seems like it was just yesterday we married!

    BTW – what a handsome and beautiful couple are your son and DIL – He looks like you:)

    1. Oh, I could just see your gramps waltzing on Main Street with your gram; what a wonderful visual. I love Glenn Miller type music so much. Wish you had a pix of them dancing!

  19. Honored to be mentioned on your Blog, and I love the post. the story of your parents is great and its not surprising that you have become the person that you are with them as a model.
    I am so grateful to have Pamela in my life and the “work” of keeping that relationship growing stronger every day.

    1. Oooo, the Big Dog has commented. It is I who am honored! I have to say that your supportive comments on Pamela’s blog are as wonderful as her blogs. You guys fit and bless me with your relationship.

  20. Honored to be mentioned on your Blog, and I love the post. the story of your parents is great and its not surprising that you have become the person that you are with them as a model.
    I am so grateful to have Pamela in my life and the “work” of keeping that relationship growing stronger every day.

    1. Oooo, the Big Dog has commented. It is I who am honored! I have to say that your supportive comments on Pamela’s blog are as wonderful as her blogs. You guys fit and bless me with your relationship.

  21. It truly is a work in progress but what an amazing job it is. My husband and i have our ups and downs, of course, but we always know that we will get through it. We often say how blessed we are to truly love each other. What a gift that is. How did we luck out? I don’t know. But we certainly don’t take the laughter and love for granted;)
    Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your sweetheart!

    1. You said it just right – “what a gift that is” – it is, it truly is.

  22. It truly is a work in progress but what an amazing job it is. My husband and i have our ups and downs, of course, but we always know that we will get through it. We often say how blessed we are to truly love each other. What a gift that is. How did we luck out? I don’t know. But we certainly don’t take the laughter and love for granted;)
    Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your sweetheart!

    1. You said it just right – “what a gift that is” – it is, it truly is.

  23. Yay for True Love IRL! And it does take work, but for all that right reasons and the best kind of work with the highest Return on Investment 🙂
    Thanks for including us, Nan, I am honored.

    1. How could I not? You and I began that intimacy thing and I learned so much from that time that has helped AH and I be even more gaggy. Thankyouverymuch!

  24. Yay for True Love IRL! And it does take work, but for all that right reasons and the best kind of work with the highest Return on Investment 🙂
    Thanks for including us, Nan, I am honored.

    1. How could I not? You and I began that intimacy thing and I learned so much from that time that has helped AH and I be even more gaggy. Thankyouverymuch!

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