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Glory of Love

Alpha Hubby and I just got home from date night.  If you haven’t seen it you MUST go see Last Vegas.  The entire audience belly-laughed all the way through it.  Morgan Freeman, Robert De Niro, Kevin Kline, Michael Douglas, and Mary Steenburgen.  What a feel good and very funny movie!


I had my satellite radio station set to 80’s oldies today – awesome.  You sometimes forget how cool songs were (are) from the 80’s.  Sometimes all you remember are the kookie hairdo’s (glued up bangs ala Something About Mary anyone? Except with hairspray).

Character traits series - Honor
Character traits series – Honor

Then this song came on.  I’d forgotten all about it.  And as I was doing dishes and listening to the lyrics, the chorus rang true and clear:

I am a man who will fight for your honor
I’ll be the hero you’ve been dreaming of
We’ll live forever knowing together that we
Did it all for the glory of love

Alpha Hubby has actually told me that – and he doesn’t even know that song.  Just like he told me:

You keep me standing tall, you help me through it all
I’m always strong when you’re beside me
I have always needed you, I could never make it alone

He truly believes he would not be where he is in life without my love and support.  Do you know what an amazing feeling that is?  Yeah.  Me, too.

Knight Lady
Knight Lady

Just like a knight in shining armor from a long time ago
Just in time I will save the day, take you to my castle far away

He truly is my knight in shining armor.  He did save me.  I know it is not politically correct to say that but who gives a rodent’s bottom?  I don’t.  I am living a dream and that is all that matters.

word nightmare
erasing nightmare

Were it not for this man’s love, I would NOT be where I am today, either.  He erased my nightmares.  He helped me heal, grow and fully revel in the power of unconditional true love AND romance.  There is a difference. you know.  People can love but allow the romance to grow stale and unused.  Creaky.

This is his birthday month.  He will be gone the week before his birthday so I have a week to figure out how to rawk his world because he so rawks mine.  He loves rendezvous.  He loves romance, probably more than I do.  He loves slow dancing with me.  Hmmm, I’m seeing a pattern here.

Table Holiday
Table Holiday


Here in American, we are coming upon the holiday where people generally begin to think more about gratitude and love.  About giving and sharing.  About thinking of others.  For those of you with a significant other, those who may sometimes may get lost in the busy-ness of the holidays.  Those who get put behind the children, cooking, parties, decorating… grab them and show them some extra – and excessive – love this month.

Get alone and renew your vows by reading them to one another and promising to do it all again, but better.  Get alone and relive your honeymoon.  Love on them.  Put them first.  Get some spice going on.  Remember.

That is an order.

Get high on the glory of love.

6 thoughts on “Glory of Love

  1. I love , love, love that song! Haven’t heard it in a long time. The Superhero is truly my hero so I know what you mean,…..although he’s not particularly romantic outwardly.

    He’s especially dear during this’d very stressful time with our mothers……I spend a lot of time with mama and he is as sweet and loving about it as he can be….of course he loves her too!

  2. Cool. I always wanted to be a hero and now I am yours. Ok my hero seeking days are over other than being your hero on a daily basis. You made it easy for me to be your hero and continue to.

  3. Yay for 80s nostalgia. I didn’t know Eric then, but this song fits. And I know it fits for your knight in shining armor, too!

  4. Lovely date night!
    And you liked the movie? It looks hilarious.
    He is blessed.
    You are blessed.
    My two greatest heroes are my daddy and Mr. L.

    Love you, Dear.

    Lets talk on the phone one day “Voice to Voice” xx

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