02 Luv Posts, All Blogs, Romance

Luv: Warmly Scented

Most of us in blogland have heard of Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman, and her new book that chronicles the story of her love affair with Marlboro Man, her husband.  The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels–A Love Story is a sweet story with a lot of awwwww factor in it.  Most of the story is available on her website – the first year before her marriage.  The book adds in some time after the marriage.

I read a review of the book and while the reviewer liked the book, they just had to get a wee bit snarkey about what they called “gushing about MM” – her passionate love for her husband.  They called it “gag factor”.  My thought is, “you obviously have never experienced that type of love.”

I understand perfectly when Ree goes on and on about how much she loves MM’s forearms, rear end in chaps, and ice blue eyes.  This is a woman who is obviously joyously happy and totally in love with her husband.

I am blessed with that same type of gag factor love.  It is something rare, amazing, wonderous, and precious.  And there are things about Alpha Hubby that just take my breath away.

There is a special warm, softly scented spot beneath his ear, the ear that listens to me ramble on about sometimes obscure, useless bits of information.  That spot is inches back and away from the mouth that kisses me so passionately.  It is tucked right above the shoulder I lean on and near the back that is strongly muscled and able to work to secure his dreams (one of which is moi. I’m at the top, right baby??).

That warm, softly scented place is up above his heart that possesses his true love for me.  It is down to the right of his beautiful amber eyes that gaze so warmly into mine, full of promise and the fulfillment future dreams.

When he wears my favorite scents, they get smoothed into that special spot just under his ear and right above his shoulder, where I can nestle my nose and inhale the velvety scent of Alpha Hubby.  I could just absorb that scent for hours… but it tickles him so he won’t sit still too awfully long… well that, and he has to eat sometime.  And sleep.  And go to work.  Which is a shame because I could just stay there in that spot forever.

It is a scent all his own, a coupling of cologne and him.

And no matter where we are, if he is there and I can inhale his special warmth, I am home.

I like that spot almost as much as I like:

…his arms which hold me so tight.  Passionately, sweetly or warmly his strength is always there, just for me.

Of course, after he sees these pictures, I’m done for.

But baby?  I couldn’t help myself.

Whether you’re

feeding cows


in that professional picture for the office

the very thought of you
and I forget to do
The little ordinary things that everyone ought to do

…which explains the laundry and dishes and unpacked boxes…


I think about you a lot.


The Very Thought of You, Natalie Cole

52 thoughts on “Luv: Warmly Scented

  1. Aww… what a warm and fuzzy post… the kind of love that sweeps you off your feet 🙂

    Just what I needed at this time, a smile… 🙂

  2. Aww… what a warm and fuzzy post… the kind of love that sweeps you off your feet 🙂

    Just what I needed at this time, a smile… 🙂

  3. I haven’t read Drummond’s book. (And I probably won’t because this MFA keeps me busy reading other stuff). But I’ve gotta know — did he love the pics of himself, or was he a tiny bit miffed? I loved this post, by the way!

  4. I haven’t read Drummond’s book. (And I probably won’t because this MFA keeps me busy reading other stuff). But I’ve gotta know — did he love the pics of himself, or was he a tiny bit miffed? I loved this post, by the way!

  5. Awww!! You’re right – not everyone is so lucky to experience the kind of love you have.
    I also feel lucky in that way with my Hubby, too.
    I feel sorry for those that don’t!

  6. Awww!! You’re right – not everyone is so lucky to experience the kind of love you have.
    I also feel lucky in that way with my Hubby, too.
    I feel sorry for those that don’t!

  7. I like Pioneer Woman’s cookbook better… grin. I read parts of the love story on the blog, intermixed with stories about the farm and the kids, and that was good. Don’t know if I would buy the book… I DID buy her cook book though! Love Pioneer’s cooking…
    And I totally dig my personal Mr Wonderful, we are lucky gals… to have been found by the one we wanted to find us.

  8. I like Pioneer Woman’s cookbook better… grin. I read parts of the love story on the blog, intermixed with stories about the farm and the kids, and that was good. Don’t know if I would buy the book… I DID buy her cook book though! Love Pioneer’s cooking…
    And I totally dig my personal Mr Wonderful, we are lucky gals… to have been found by the one we wanted to find us.

  9. Aww…that’s so sweet!! Love that takes your breath away every time you look at the other person, weather it’s been a month, a year or ten since you got together, is rare. I’m lucky that both me and the hubby light each others fire even now, 10 years and a few extra pounds later.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog! 🙂

  10. Aww…that’s so sweet!! Love that takes your breath away every time you look at the other person, weather it’s been a month, a year or ten since you got together, is rare. I’m lucky that both me and the hubby light each others fire even now, 10 years and a few extra pounds later.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog! 🙂

  11. Aww, that’s so sweet. I’m always too shy to talk about love in that way. I’m not good with emotions. But I hope all of our hubby’s know how much we love and adore them. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  12. Aww, that’s so sweet. I’m always too shy to talk about love in that way. I’m not good with emotions. But I hope all of our hubby’s know how much we love and adore them. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  13. Okay, I’m blushing and maybe I had to skim some parts of your post ;)… No, I’ve never experienced this type of love, but I sure hope to. My mom feels that way about my dad and I’ll admit that as the “child of that love”, it’s embarrassing… but they celebrated their 39th anniversary yesterday, so even though it can be embarrassing, I’ve got tremendous respect for their love and how hard they’ve worked to be happy.

    And I’ve got Ree’s book on my pile… I bought it, so it keeps getting pushed to the bottom by all the library books that I have to give back… but I will read it!

  14. Okay, I’m blushing and maybe I had to skim some parts of your post ;)… No, I’ve never experienced this type of love, but I sure hope to. My mom feels that way about my dad and I’ll admit that as the “child of that love”, it’s embarrassing… but they celebrated their 39th anniversary yesterday, so even though it can be embarrassing, I’ve got tremendous respect for their love and how hard they’ve worked to be happy.

    And I’ve got Ree’s book on my pile… I bought it, so it keeps getting pushed to the bottom by all the library books that I have to give back… but I will read it!

  15. Ok. I’ve definitely never been in love. After reading this and Pioneer Woman’s adoration for her hubby, I know I am destined to spend eternity wishing my husband would stop putting his foot on my side of the bed.

  16. Ok. I’ve definitely never been in love. After reading this and Pioneer Woman’s adoration for her hubby, I know I am destined to spend eternity wishing my husband would stop putting his foot on my side of the bed.

  17. Holy crap. How old did you say he was? If he is in his 50’s then I am not going to worry about getting older. He looks great! Very handsome.

  18. Holy crap. How old did you say he was? If he is in his 50’s then I am not going to worry about getting older. He looks great! Very handsome.

  19. When I write about my hubby, I use a lot of the “gag factor!” Of course, we don’t have a perfect marriage, but I want to write about all that is wonderful about our marriage, and why we love each other and will stick by each other. I’ve been tempted to read Ree’s book — I think I would like it!

  20. When I write about my hubby, I use a lot of the “gag factor!” Of course, we don’t have a perfect marriage, but I want to write about all that is wonderful about our marriage, and why we love each other and will stick by each other. I’ve been tempted to read Ree’s book — I think I would like it!

    1. Ah come on, babe! You know you love it – maybe not the pix but the scentiment!

    1. Ah come on, babe! You know you love it – maybe not the pix but the scentiment!

  21. Some people may just feel uncomfortable about someone else gushing on about their feelings in detail for their loved one. It’s a matter of perspective. If that kind of stuff bothers you, just skip over and keep it to yourself.

    When you’re in love, you just want to shout it from the highest mountain. It’s sort of utopia, mental high adrenalin rush! You’re not bragging about it, it’s just hard to keep that kind of emotion under wraps.

    1. So true, so true! I used to cynically roll my eyes when someone talked about how amazing their husband was but secretly inside, I would think, “I’d like to have that.” Of course I figured they were lying or exaggerating or not facing reality to their husband’s faults, so knew that wasn’t a possibility (jokes on me).

      Of course, in Ree’s case, people who don’t like that shouldn’t buy the book or visit her website since she does a lot of adoring of her husband. Then again, it’s a great gimmick since one thing I noticed on a lot of blogs is husband bashing. A lot of sarcasm, a lot of pointing out of faults, a lot of negativity. I think the love she portrays is refreshing!

      Like you said, it’s a matter of perspective!

      1. Wanted to say I love the song! Great to slow dance to!!

        This is your second marriage. You’re more mature, set in your ways, you know what you want now. I think this has a lot to do with the love you find and appreciate.

        You’ll find that the husband bashing comes from wives who have gotten married at young ages (like me) and have been dealing with it for over 15-20 years. It’s a rare thing to find a couple married for over 20 years that still see stars in each others eyes. I don’t. The lust disappears. The novelty wore off. I think a lot of people are just going through the motions. Maturity has a lot to do with it.

        1. hmmm, I wonder if I should disagree with you or just stick to the feeling sad for you. I find that husband bashing comes from people of all ages who don’t LIKE their husband. Some do have the courage to leave, some don’t…
          Maturity might not be the angle… Lust might be replaced with knowing and a good feel of security, but love can become deeper. Don’t think that maturity has anything to do with this…
          Correct me if am interpreting your post wrongly, it just sounded sad to me, and I hope I am wrong… I hope that you still believe in love…

  22. Some people may just feel uncomfortable about someone else gushing on about their feelings in detail for their loved one. It’s a matter of perspective. If that kind of stuff bothers you, just skip over and keep it to yourself.

    When you’re in love, you just want to shout it from the highest mountain. It’s sort of utopia, mental high adrenalin rush! You’re not bragging about it, it’s just hard to keep that kind of emotion under wraps.

    1. So true, so true! I used to cynically roll my eyes when someone talked about how amazing their husband was but secretly inside, I would think, “I’d like to have that.” Of course I figured they were lying or exaggerating or not facing reality to their husband’s faults, so knew that wasn’t a possibility (jokes on me).

      Of course, in Ree’s case, people who don’t like that shouldn’t buy the book or visit her website since she does a lot of adoring of her husband. Then again, it’s a great gimmick since one thing I noticed on a lot of blogs is husband bashing. A lot of sarcasm, a lot of pointing out of faults, a lot of negativity. I think the love she portrays is refreshing!

      Like you said, it’s a matter of perspective!

      1. Wanted to say I love the song! Great to slow dance to!!

        This is your second marriage. You’re more mature, set in your ways, you know what you want now. I think this has a lot to do with the love you find and appreciate.

        You’ll find that the husband bashing comes from wives who have gotten married at young ages (like me) and have been dealing with it for over 15-20 years. It’s a rare thing to find a couple married for over 20 years that still see stars in each others eyes. I don’t. The lust disappears. The novelty wore off. I think a lot of people are just going through the motions. Maturity has a lot to do with it.

        1. hmmm, I wonder if I should disagree with you or just stick to the feeling sad for you. I find that husband bashing comes from people of all ages who don’t LIKE their husband. Some do have the courage to leave, some don’t…
          Maturity might not be the angle… Lust might be replaced with knowing and a good feel of security, but love can become deeper. Don’t think that maturity has anything to do with this…
          Correct me if am interpreting your post wrongly, it just sounded sad to me, and I hope I am wrong… I hope that you still believe in love…

  23. Again! Again you have me speachless. How do you keep on donig that? I absolutely love this song. I like when you use the older songs from the 30’s and 40’s. And your Alpha Hubby is a good looking man and a very lucky one. Then again you are too. I guess it is what you two make together. Perfection.

  24. Again! Again you have me speachless. How do you keep on donig that? I absolutely love this song. I like when you use the older songs from the 30’s and 40’s. And your Alpha Hubby is a good looking man and a very lucky one. Then again you are too. I guess it is what you two make together. Perfection.

  25. ~~I am smiling again.

    Oh, Nan…You do it to me every. single. time.

    Alpha hubby is really something…he must be to have you, by dear hot mama.

    The photos, your words, the music….Oh, I am smiling.


  26. ~~I am smiling again.

    Oh, Nan…You do it to me every. single. time.

    Alpha hubby is really something…he must be to have you, by dear hot mama.

    The photos, your words, the music….Oh, I am smiling.


  27. Oh sigh, sigh, sigh. I like how you focused on his neck with the pictures. This was very romantic then very funny when you made excuses for the dishes and laundry simply because you think about him and forget. Very funny stuff.

  28. Oh sigh, sigh, sigh. I like how you focused on his neck with the pictures. This was very romantic then very funny when you made excuses for the dishes and laundry simply because you think about him and forget. Very funny stuff.

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