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Christmas Blessing

So if you know me at all or follow my rambles on The Joy-Cafe you know we had a HUGE real-live tree last year.  If you don’t know this, you can read about it HERE – The Abominable Christmas Tree!!  The Christmas tree farm down the road was “going out of business” (although how you… Read More Christmas Blessing

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Christmas… humbug

Oh, I’m not really feeling humbug. Not really. But it was almost hard to get into the spirit of Christmas this year. I mean, really. Imagine being all packed up to move and then not moving! It did change my focus to: what is Christmas really all about? This? Which is NOT this year’s tree,… Read More Christmas… humbug

All Blogs, Humor

I am… unpillowed

They say that getting enough sleep is necessary for being healthy and for losing weight.  I guess that could be true since, if you stay up late at night, you’re going to hit the munchies at some point.  And those munchies are never going to be for things like, say, apples or red peppers.  It… Read More I am… unpillowed